CMS has released its Flu Shot Options for the fall of 2021 from September 28 through November 4. Because of Covid, access is different than in the past and for those outside of Springfield and the Chicago area, the best option may be your local health department.

 For the Springfield Area: https://www2.illinois.gov/cms/benefits/StateEmployee/Documents/Flu_Shot/2021/2021springfieldflu%20schedule.pdf

For the Chicago Area: https://www2.illinois.gov/cms/benefits/StateEmployee/Documents/Flu_Shot/2021/2021chicago%20and%20downstate%20flu%20schedule.pdf

 You may also wish to call your health plan to see where you can get your free shot. Or go to:

https://www2.illinois.gov/cms/benefits/StateEmployee/Documents/Flu_Shot/2021/2021acceptedvendor%20flu-shot%20options.pdf to see which providers are covered under your health plan.

 Wear short sleeves and bring you insurance card when you got your shot!